Operating a restaurant is a challenge. From buying and storing inventory to preparing and selling meals, to managing accounts, a restaurant manager needs a solid organizational plan to ensure the business runs smoothly. But owners and operators often handle the creative side of running a restaurant better than the business side.
This certification and operating platform offer a way to simplify your life and to become more effective in restaurant operations. You can add more tools to your professional and personal toolbox, giving you the insight to serve as your own business consultant, so you can focus on what matters – feeding your customers.
You will learn how to get more done and to get the right things done. This is done through a simple framework you can use to understand how a restaurant operates and what is required to achieve your dream outcome.
The Sync Framework consists of three main parts:
- The Restaurant Operating Cycle, which we’ll refer to as the ROC.
- Structure, Training, Accountability, and Communication for each phase of the ROC, which we call STAC.
- And culture

In every restaurant, whether you are a fast food location or Michelin ranked, you must do the same six things to support daily operations:
- Buy
- Store
- Prep
- Sell
- Account
- Manage
Then you use that information to buy more and begin the Restaurant Operation Cycle again.

As you work through coursework, you will always be able to find yourself on the map of the ROC. As you encounter challenges, find them on the ROC to help you focus, then use the STAC Framework that you will learn to address the specific issue.
The ROC is the what, the STAC is the how. Each phase of the ROC encompasses several processes and positions responsible for executing them correctly. Each of those in turn requires a STAC:
- Structure
- Training
- Accountability
- Communication

For example, in the Buy phase of the ROC, we need to know what, when and how much we’re buying. You’ll learn to use a number of tools to answer these questions and execute these processes in the most efficient, economical, and least labor-intensive way.
The Manager will submit the purchase, using the order guide, which is populated with items listed on the Product Specification listing, on the days and times listed on the Order Delivery Time Sheet. With those three simple systems, your Buy function now has structure.
You’ll learn the built-in Accountability in the Account coursework, and Communication in the Management coursework. Accountability for any position can be the included digital checklist system and in-person follow-up. Communication for any phase may be as simple as a newsfeed post, a one-on-one after the shift, a pre-shift meeting, or Now Training, all of which you will learn in this certification.
Now that you know how to systemize your restaurant, it will be tempting to start working on everything at once the moment you learn it. But you’ll get a lot more done if you learn to prioritize and execute the tasks. We typically do this by systemizing or STAC’ing one position at a time.
Organize what you need to get done in priority order, then tackle one item at a time instead of trying to get a ton of things done at once without making any major progress. First things first, and one thing at a time.
Reach out any time with questions or for coaching to sync@synergyconsultants.com.