250. Restaurant Technology Guys Podcast Ep. 250 – Empower Delivery

Empower Delivery: A Revolution in Restaurant Technology

Welcome back to the Restaurant Technology Guys blog! Today, we are thrilled to share an insightful conversation with Meredith Sandland, the CEO of Empower Delivery. This innovative restaurant software company spun out from ClusterTruck, the largest and most profitable ghost kitchen in the US. In this blog post, we’ll explore Meredith’s journey, her passion for restaurant technology, and the unique solutions Empower Delivery offers to optimize delivery services in the restaurant industry.

Introduction to Our Guests

Jeremy: Welcome back to the Restaurant Technology Guys podcast. For those watching on video, the face I’m talking to should be very familiar. Meredith, could you introduce yourself and share how we met?

Meredith Sandland: Yeah, happy to. How did we meet? Gosh, I think it was because of the book, right?

Jeremy: I think so. You and Carl Orsbourn wrote a book on restaurant technology back in 2021, which has proven to be invaluable. And now, you’ve followed it up with another one that digs deeper into how restaurants can implement these changes effectively.

The Journey of Empower Delivery

Jeremy: Many people are familiar with your work, Meredith. But could you share more about your role at Empower Delivery and your vision for the company?

Meredith Sandland: Sure! I’m the CEO of Empower Delivery, a restaurant software company. We provide an end-to-end order-to-fulfillment system. My passion for this project began after seeing ClusterTruck in action. They process 800 to 1,000 transactions a day with 100% first-party ordering and delivery. The efficiency and coordination are just remarkable, and I knew we needed to bring this system to as many restaurants as possible.

The Critical Role of Delivery in Restaurants

Jeremy: Your insights on delivery, especially in the context of the evolving market from 2020 to 2022, are fascinating. Could you elaborate on why first-party delivery is essential for restaurants?

Meredith Sandland: Absolutely. First-party delivery means the restaurant handles the entire process, from taking the order to delivering it to the customer. This model offers better control over the guest experience compared to third-party delivery systems. Empower Delivery aims to make this process seamless and efficient, which is crucial as delivery services become a more significant part of a restaurant’s operations.

Addressing the Challenges of Delivery

Jeremy: How do you address the concerns of restaurant operators who are hesitant to switch from third-party delivery services due to operational complexities?

Meredith Sandland: That’s a great question. Our system is designed to simplify the process. The software handles everything from calling in drivers when needed to routing deliveries and ensuring drivers are paid. This reduces chaos and helps maintain service quality. Plus, having a dedicated pool of gig workers for delivery can lead to a more controlled and positive customer experience.

The Future of Delivery

Jeremy: What is the current state of delivery, and how do you see it evolving?

Meredith Sandland: Delivery saw massive growth during the pandemic, but we’re starting to see a decline. To stay competitive, restaurants need to rethink their delivery strategies. Third-party platforms have become increasingly expensive, and consumers are sensitive to high fees. Restaurants that can provide efficient, cost-effective, first-party delivery will likely succeed in this evolving landscape.

A Three-Tier Approach to Delivery

Jeremy: Can you outline the different approaches restaurants can take towards delivery?

Meredith Sandland: Certainly! There are three primary approaches:

  1. Restaurants that should not engage in delivery because it diverts focus from their core business.
  2. Restaurants for whom delivery is a central part of their operations. These businesses would benefit the most from an in-house, efficient delivery system.
  3. Omni-channel restaurants that need a mix of first-party and third-party delivery services to meet varied consumer demands.

Simplifying the Transition

Jeremy: Transitioning from a tech stack filled with multiple integrations to a more efficient system sounds daunting. How does Empower Delivery facilitate this process?

Meredith Sandland: We start by addressing the most chaotic part of your operations, like dispatch and driver management. From there, we gradually integrate our end-to-end system. The goal is to simplify your operations without sacrificing the investments you’ve already made in good technologies.


Empower Delivery is setting a new standard in restaurant technology, making delivery more efficient and controllable. By providing an all-in-one solution, they address the complexities of current tech stacks and offer a holistic approach to managing delivery.

To learn more about how Empower Delivery can revolutionize your restaurant’s delivery services, visit their website or connect with Meredith Sandland on LinkedIn.

Thank you for joining us today. Stay tuned for more insights and innovations in the restaurant technology space!

Make it a great day!