New Texas Liquor Tax law means changes to your POSitouch system.

Attention POSitouch Users:  Any of your locations that do business in Texas, need to be aware of the mixed beverage tax changes.  You can find more information on the law change at  the links below.

According to everything we have read, this does not affect Beer and Wine sales.  Those items have always been taxed but the mixed drinks and hard liquor items will now be taxed to the consumer rather than be tax inclusive.

Your Positouch system to needs to be changed as well.  Below I’ve outlined the steps that will need to be taken within your Positouch system. 

REMINDER: CBS customers who have questions about making the necessary changes can call the CBS Support Department 24 hours per day, 7 days per week at 800-551-7674 ext 1. 

Texas Mixed Beverage License.  In the state of Texas the Mixed Beverage License customers have always had the POSitouch cell types for Liquor, Beer and Wine set to a cell type 7. As of Jan 1, 2014; this will no longer apply. The new law is to pass on a portion of the tax to the customer. The new tax for Liquor, Beer and Wine will be to add a new tax table of MB Tax = 8.25%, but to change the 14% expense that they were paying to the state to 7%.

Positouch Changes:

1.  Add another Sales Tax rate – Label it Mixed Bev and to equal 8.25%.
Go Into Positouch setup- Tax Rates and select an unused tax rate.  Typically Tax 2.

2. All Liquor, Beer and Wine items will need to change through each menu item from a cell type 7 to a cell type 1

3. You then need to go into lookup on those items and change the tax selected from Tax 1 to whatever the new tax you setup Tax 2.

You’ll need to do these steps for all liquor, beer and wine items to account for the new tax laws.

4. If you have your taxes consolidated on the guest check, the MB tax needs to display separately.  To not have taxes consolidate on the check, go into Setup-Restaurant Misc Data-Guest Check 1 and turn off the flag Consolidate Tax on Guest Check

CBS does not claim to understand the tax laws in your local regions.  We are not offering tax law advice.  Positouch is used as a tool for the customer to ring up sales and collect taxes.  If you are unclear about the procedures to change taxes, please call our support center.  If you are unclear about the tax law changes, please call your local tax board for clarifications.  What I have described here is the way CBS understands the law change and is subject to change if there are changes to the law or different interpretations from the TABC or the Tax Board.

Depending on your needs and your contract status, CBS may charge for the support rendered to implement these changes.

Remember, this change goes into effect in Texas on Jan 1, 2014.

2 thoughts on “New Texas Liquor Tax law means changes to your POSitouch system.”
  1. Could we get the instructions for adding the Texas MB Sales Tax in some format that is easy to print? When I printed this it was incredibly small.

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