Jeremy Julian

Yearly Archives: 2014

1 BIG Reason Why Your Business Shouldn’t Ignore Mobile Sales

March 25, 2014

Cell phones are everywhere and people love them are addicted to them.  If you leave your house, it would be a weird, apocalyptic-like event to NOT see someone using their cell phone. The mobile phone has achieved a status on par with wallets and keys.  Think about that panic you feel when you think you’ve lost your phone; that terrible, gut-wrenching feeling. And it happens to almost everyone.  Odds are, you’ll look at your phone at least once while reading this post. Or maybe you’re even reading this post on your cell phone. So why is this important for you?  We’ve been harping this message for some time: consumers are using their cell phones more and more while moving towards a mobile storefront.  FromContinue Reading …

Mobile POS Options and What They Mean To Restaurant Owners

March 24, 2014

It’s no secret that the POS landscape is changing. We have written about some of the different options that restaurant owners are facing today.  Some owners are holding on to traditional POS systems while others are seeking out newer, more streamlined services.  Not only are the POS devices going mobile, there are more options than ever before for consumers to place orders. Looking at the different options and trying to weigh through the different setups and components is an incredibly time consuming and intimidating task.  But which options truly fit your brand? In order to answer that question, you have to understand the different options, what they mean, and what value they bring to consumers and to the concept itself.  Let’s start by identifyingContinue Reading …

8 Reasons Why a POS Maintenance Agreement is a Great Idea

February 26, 2014

Almost everyone has faced the decision on whether or not to purchase an extended warranty.  How many times do we say “no”, only to have the product fall apart the day after the warranty expires? Most restaurants spend tens of thousands of dollars on their POS equipment and software. There are few other purchases that are more critical to the restaurant’s operation. In our personal lives, when we make large-ticket purchases, we often seek out some sort of warranty or maintenance for the item.  Take a car, for example. These days, most cars come with some sort of coverage that allows for regular maintenance on the vehicle. And this is a HUGE selling point for consumers! So why would this be any different forContinue Reading …

New Mobile POS Round-Up: A Look at New Mobile POS Options

February 18, 2014

Even if you have been living under a rock for the last year, you’d know that wireless solutions are the way of the future in the hospitality POS space.  We receive calls literally every day asking about the different options that exist and what solution would work best for specific concepts. To help those with questions, I wanted to quickly do a survey of some of the options that are currently available to the public. The following Wireless POS Round-Up is for educational and informational purposes only.  We are not saying that you should go out and purchase 10 of each of these devices and launch them in your store.  Our intent is to educate you, as a POS consumer, on some options thatContinue Reading …

3 Ways to Save Money With Your New Point of Sale System

February 11, 2014

As we all know, life is stressful.  According to the Holmes and Rahe Stress Scale, the top 5 most stressful events in a person’s life are death of a spouse, death of a child, moving, starting a new job, marriage and severe illness.  These are all very legitimate stress-drivers.  But if Holmes or Rahe were ever to own a restaurant, I would bet that they would agree that one of the most stressful experiences an owner will experience is an install or update of a POS system. From my experience with hundreds of installs, I know how stressful it is!  There are few aspects of the process that aren’t stressful: it’s time consuming, you have to learn a new product, there are strange (yetContinue Reading …

Infographic: NFC vs BLE. The future of Point of Sale is Going Into Your Customers’ Pocket.

February 3, 2014

The topic of mobile payments has been red hot lately. As we saw at NRF a few weeks back, the debate of whether Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) or Near Field Communication (NFC) will be the clear winner has been heating up since Apple’s announcement of iBeacon and PayPal’s Beacon that utilizes BLE technology to submit transactions or to engage the consumer in ways that NFC cannot.  NFC supporters have delivered valid points that would suggest NFC as a clear winner, while BLE advocates also have some great things to say. But what is right for your business? Thanks to our friends at Retail Customer Experience, you now have this handy infographic that gives you the run down on these two technologies.  As you willContinue Reading …

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